Powerhouse Program
Prepare for PR Season!
This is a 6 week, 3 day-a-week program designed to work in tangent with your normal box/ gym programming. Our focus for the #PowerhouseProgram is to improve your numbers in Olympic lifts as well as bench, squat and deadlift.
Prepare for PR Season!
This is a 6 week, 3 day-a-week program designed to work in tangent with your normal box/ gym programming. Our focus for the #PowerhouseProgram is to improve your numbers in Olympic lifts as well as bench, squat and deadlift.
Prepare for PR Season!
This is a 6 week, 3 day-a-week program designed to work in tangent with your normal box/ gym programming. Our focus for the #PowerhouseProgram is to improve your numbers in Olympic lifts as well as bench, squat and deadlift.